At Appetites for Life, the journey to holistic wellness is deeply personal and profoundly spiritual. The founder envisioned a brand that transcends traditional health narratives to embrace a faith-filled approach to nutrition and wellness. The challenge was to craft a visual identity that reflects the unique blend of these elements while resonating with a discerning audience seeking more than just dietary advice—they are seeking transformation.

My design process began with the core themes identified in Caryn’s vision: organic and hand-drawn styles to symbolize the natural approach to health, Christian iconography to anchor the spiritual foundation, and visuals representing the soul and spirit’s transformative journey. These themes were not only reflective of the company’s holistic methodology but also pivotal in communicating the essence of healing and balance that Appetites for Life promotes.


Old Logo

New Logo


The new logo integrates these elements subtly yet powerfully. It features organic, flowing lines that evoke a sense of growth and natural balance, while a discreet cross motif embedded within the design speaks to the spiritual dimension of the brand. Color choices were guided by the concept of balance and natural harmony, using earth tones that evoke a sense of grounding and tranquility. Typography was chosen for its simplicity and clarity, reflecting the straightforward, honest approach the brand embodies.